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Monastic Life
Absente - Absent
Absolvent - Absolved
Acolyte - The one who accompanies, who helps. Person ecclesiastically graduated with that order name.
Alb - an ecclesiastical white cloth garment.
Amender - Corrector; who amends
Amice - White veil worn by priests around the shoulders under the alb.
Arrátel - Old Portuguese unit of weight equivalent to one pound (459 grams)
Aspergillum - Little wood rod with hairs at the end, or a metal rod with a sphere full of orifices at the end, used in church for holy water sprinkling
Asperses - Holy water aspersion. When sprinkling holy water at religious services. Anthem sang before Mass when sprinkling holy water.
Auxiliary - Who helps, who aids.
Calefactory - Heating; warming up.
Chest keeper - Treasurer in charge of the coffers
Bentinho - a white wool cloth apparel used by monks with their habit as a symbol of obedience to the Master and the rule.
Boceta - Small wood or card box.
Brandão - Torch, big wax candle.
Breve - Papal letter or re-script containing a statement or resolution of no general interest to the Church. Music note worth two semibreve notes
Buffet - Sideboard. Table where objects needed for a function are placed
Caceta - Riddled vase
Calceário - Responsible for shoe making and supplying
Calefactory - Device to boil foodstuffs with fuel savings; Heating device; Heating room
Calends - the first day of each month
Camouço - over measure; surplus.
Canopy - portable cover on rods used in processions
Capula - Cup (latin)
Cartulary - Deeds clerk; archivist
Cercilho - Crown, large and round tonsure used by monks
Cerieiro - Wax worker
Chasuble - Priest vest worn over the alb and stole.
Cisco - Coal dust or sweepings; rubbish
Clamourer - Crier
Claustra - Cloisters
Cleat - Monk´s hood
Cogulo - Portion that overspills the measure
Colação - Light meal
Compline - Religious Liturgy Late Hours prayed after the nightfall meal.
Corporal - White linen upon which the chalice and paten are placed during mass.
Cote - Clothing
Credence -Small side table where the cruets and other Mass tools are placed near the altar. Table upon where in old basilicas the offerings from faithful were placed
Dalmatic - Clerical vestments worn over the alb by deacons and sub-deacons.
Domário - Priest celebrating mass for a deceased person and directing prayers at such religious service
Domairaria - Those dealing with religious services for the dead
Dominga - Sunday in ecclesiastical language
Eça - Cenotaph, honours tomb
Endoenças - Pains and torments suffered by the martyrs of Jesus.
Enramar - Covering, ornamenting with branches
Esteirão - Thick needle grass mat
Ferial - Non-festive
Garment - Vest; dress
Gradual - Verse sung after the Epistle at Mass
Gualdrapa - Mantle placed on the saddle when horse-riding on socks
Habit - Monk´s large hooded gown. Tunic
Invitatorium - Verse at the start of Matins.
Knuckle - Bones joint. Phalanx
Laudability - Quality of what is worthy of praising
Lauds - Laudations
Lavabo - Act of washing; Purification; Water drank by Catholics after communion
Lavadura - Dish washing waters
Lucernário - Night office service celebrated by lamp lighting
Lucerne - Lamp
Maniple - Sort of short stole of the priest when celebrating Mass
Martyrology - List or catalogue of martyrs
Ministra - Turn-box set used to move food from a convent kitchen to the refectory
Matins - First part of dawn religious prayers by priests. Also called Vigils or night office prayed or sung at night on the eve of great feasts, specially at Christmas
Muleteer - Occupation of transporting animal loads pack. Mule-driver or goods and baggage bearer
None - Hour of religious office service
Octave - Eight day period in church celebrations
Olanda - Fine white linen
Pallium - Coloured collar shaped vest used by canons over the surplice. Archbishop´s pontifical insignia
Paten - Metal plate, slightly convex, where to place the host consecrated at mass.
Penitential - Penance. Who imposes penance on or punishes the sinner. Priest or monk hearing confessions in certain churches or chapels.
Pitcher - Vessel for taking wine out of casks or vats; Small jug; Old small vase, generally tin made, to drink wine
Pitcher - Jug for washing hands
Plaino - Plain
Planeta - Chasuble.
Pluvial - Cape for asperges.
Pontifical - Lengthy cape used at celebration of some religious ceremonies. Book containing the rites to be performed by pontiffs or Bishops
Prime - Canon law hour corresponding to 6 o´clock in the morning
Processional - in procession
Processionals - Book with prayers for processions
Proem - Foreword, preface
Propinquo - Near
Propinquity - Proximity
Propínqua - Close, neighbour, kinsfolk
Psalm - Chants of praise to Lord
Psalter - Book of Psalms
Quiet - Still; Motionless; Calm; Slow
Quitting - Quits; Freeing from obligation; To be relieved from doing something; To leave
Scapular - Cloth band used over the shoulders and falling over the chest by friars of some Orders. Bentinho.
Scoop - Earthenware or metal sink; basin for clearings or washing hands.
Sloping - Concealed, hidden
Stole - Silk strip widening at the ends that priests place on the shoulders between the alb and the chasuble or over the surplice.
Stool - Lengthy and large movable stool that can also become a box with cover and seating. Small foot resting stool
Strickle - Anything that levels through scraping or grating; Everything that levels; Act of hair short cutting or knife rasping.
Refection - Having a meal
Refeitoreiro - Refectory caretaker
Rogations - Public prayers; Litanies
Sanguinho - Cloth used by priest to clean the chalice
Saragoça - Wool cloth
Saucer - Vessel to serve sauces at table
Secret - Prayer said by the priest in a low voice at mass before preface; Also same as latrine
Septuagesima - Third Sunday before Lent´s first
Spade - Lid or cover for an iron pot or any other culinary vase
Surplice - Kind of a small white mantle, with or without sleeves, clerics use over the cassock
Têmporas - The three days of fasting for one week in every year´s season according to Catholic rite
Terce - One of the canonical hours
Tercenário - Beneficiary of one third of altar dues
Tonsure - Clerics crown; Prima tonsure: religious ceremony where celebrant crown hair shaves the ordained on bestowing minor orders
Tunic - Bishop´s vest
Tunicela - Small tunic
Thuribler - Who moves the incense burning thurible
Thurifer - Who carries the thurible at church ceremonies
Vase - Vessel for taking wine out of casks or vats; Small jug; Old small vase, generally tin made, to drink wine
Versicle - Article short subdivision; part of the responsory at canonical hours
Versiculário - Responsible for versicles reading
Vespers - One of the three canonical hours, prayed in the evening. Vespers comprehended prayers at sunset and corresponded to 6 o´clock in the afternoon at equinox time (the twelfth hour)
Violate - Violet coloured; purplish.
Washman - He who washes clothes