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The place and its time; Treaties of Architecture; Models; Styles; Space and Organization; Symbolism; Systems.

The place and its time

The whole themes in respect of the monuments complex of the Convent of Christ are based on a vast network of knowledge involving treaties, models, styles, space and their organization, rules and symbolism. (...)
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Treaties of Architecture

Leon Battista Alberti De re aedificatoria libri diecem (manuscrito 1442- 1452) Biblioteca do Vaticano António Averlino, dito o Filareto. Codex Maghiabechianus (manuscrito 1461 – 1464) Biblioteca de Florença (...)
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Landscape: The mystical terrain shaped in the Sete Montes (Seven Hills) landscape unit in symbolic evocation of the sacred cities of Christendom - Jerusalem, Rome, Constantinople. (...)
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Architectural Styles

Castle - Romanic fortifications / Charola - Byzantine-Romanic (both in design and spatiality) (...)
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Space and Organisation

The ensemble is divided into three distinct areas: (...)
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Chivalry´s own myths, particularly for the Templar age, are particularly visible in the vestiges that have reached us and the history we know about the Castle of Tomar and the Charola. (...)
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Some systems implemented in the Convent of Christ structure reveal a modernity that still surprises us. (...)
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